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Using this pretty extensively and expect to make it my primary Sound manager across my projects! 

So nice to not have to write my own, and the developer is really active when it comes to the bug fixes and issue notifications.


Thank you very much! I'm glad to know it was useful!

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This is awesome, but I'm really confused about the differences between  BGM, BGS, SFX and MFX. It seems like I should use play_bgm for background music. However play_sfx doesn't work at all for me, and I had to use play_bgs which I'm not sure is the right thing to be using for sound effects. I'm especially confused about `MFX`.

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Yea, I must admit I was a little afraid this could become confusing. The methods to play sound effects and music effects are called play_se and play_me. Why a different name? Because the first version of the plugin was not coded by me and I actually never decided which one to stick with. I'll most certainly change it for constistency as soon as I can, that's on me.

About the other question: MFX or ME or Music Effect usually refers to something like a sound effect but more... Musical? Like a jingle or a short fanfare. I guess you could technically consider them still sound effects, but back when I liked to mess around in RPG Maker they were separated, so I thought it made sense to also do it myself.

Just to clarify: you can do whatever you want. The methods play_bgm, play_bgs, play_se and play_me behind the scene call the exact same method: play. The only difference the module makes between a sound type and another is the default properties (volume and pitch) and the AudioBus. So you could technically use the same bus and properties and just use play_bgm for every sound you want to play and it shouldn't make any difference whatsoever.

If you're still confused about the sound type I used, let me explain. Basically I used the same types I found back in the days in RPG Maker, as I said, as I thought it covered up everything needed:

BGM stands for Background Music. It refers to, well, background music, like a soundtrack you want to play during a scene or a level.

BGS stands for Background Sound. It refers to any sound you want to play in background, like rain or a crowd talking, or the wind blowing. Think about a background music, but replace it with a sound.

SFX and SE stand for Sound Effect. They refer to, well, sound effects. Like a gunshot, or a laugh, or a short applause. Everything that's a sound but it's not supposed to just loop in background, but to end soon.

MFX and ME stand for Music Effect. As I already explained, think about a sound effect and replace the sound with a music. A victory fanfare, or a saved game jingle. A music that's not supposed to go on for long.

Hope I clarified everything, I'm sorry if the plugin wasn't really clear on some part! But I still hope it's doing its job and being useful for your projects! I will fix that inconsistency in the semantic as soon as I can (unfortunately I can't use my pc for now, so it'll have to wait).


Hi! I just released a new version of the plugin. I updated the dock, the scripts and the docs: now sound effects and music effects are officially called SE and ME everywhere, so no more doubts! Also, the README file now features a new section that explains the purpose of every sound type!

I hope it helps!

You da bess! Thanks Xecestel! 

I am using Godot soon maybe, so I will save this.  Thanks!


Thank you, I hope you'll find it useful!


It's impressive how much work you are putting in this project. I didn't tried it yet, but definitely gonna use it in further projects because it's a game changer in managing audio in Godot. Thank you for this addon!

Thank you so much for the feedback, I'm happy to know that this plugin is doing some good for someone! I hope it will be as good as it seems!
Keep checking this page, anyway, because new updates are probably coming! :)